Live Drop


Affiliate code:
Ranks YourPercentage Deposited Earnings
3.00% $0.00 $0.00
Ranks NextRank YourPercentage ReferralReceive
0 4% 3%
2000 5% 3%
5000 6% 3%
8000 7% 3%
12000 8% 3%
15000 9% 3%
20000 10% 3%
Affiliate program FAQ
Working principles of the affiliate system
Post your affiliate link / affiliate code and get a bonus as a percentage of your referral's deposits.After clicking on your affiliate link, or code activation, referral will automatically receive a bonus on his balance. If your referral deposit anything — it will be shown in your history and you will receive a percentage of he's deposits.
Working principles of your code
Only new users can use your code. Users cannot use affiliate code if a user is already a partner of another user, or already open cases online, including a daily bonus case. Information at your history updates every 24 hours.
Personalize of the affiliate code
You can personalize (change) your affiliate code.New affiliate code can consist only of letters and numbers (minimum 3, maximum 11) and can't consist solely of numbers!
Affiliate balance and code information
You can withdraw your affiliate balance after inviting at least 3 active referrals. You will see a record at your history after your referral's deposits. Your referrals can get up to 10% bonus from your code. It depends on your affiliate program level.